
2024-03-23 14:24:06





 6?7= 9?9= 3?8= 2?6=

 36+4= 8?7= 2?2= 9+57=

 56?7= 18+60= 8?3+4= 21-56?8=


 48?8= 9?7= 81?9=


 1. 5+5+5+5+5+5+5=( ),写成乘法算式是( ),读作( )。

 2.?72除以8等于9?,写成除法算式是( ),其中被除数是( ),8是( ),商是( )。

 3.三角板有( )个角和( )条边组成。

 4. 加法算式( )

 乘法算式( )或( )

 5. 在○里填上?>?、?<?或?=?。

 15?3 ○ 1+4 5+5 ○ 5?5 6?6 ○1 4?4 ○2?6

 6.面向东方,向右转是( )方;面向南方,向左转是( )方;面向北面,向后转是( )方。

 7.树的年轮较疏的向着南面,较密的向着( )面。


 如图: 一共有( )个角,请你标出直角。

 9.在下面的( )里最大能填几?

 ( )?6<27 ( )?8<60 4?()<15


 7 14 21 ( ) ( )

 64 56 48 ( ) ( )


 1.直角是角中最大的角。( )

 2. 角的边越长,角就越大。( )

 3. 5?0=0 ( )

 4. 晚上面对北极星,你的左边是西。( )

 5. 3个4相加的加法算式是3+3+3+3=12。( )


 1. 右边的图形有( )个角。

 A、1 B、2 C、3

 2. 3个8相加,正确的算式是( )。

 A、3+8 B、3?8 C、8?8 D、3?3

 3.傍晚面对太阳,你的后面是( )。

 A、北 B、西 C、东

 4. 是 的2倍, 有( )个。

 A、2个 B、8个 C、16个



 ( )?( )=( )

 ( )?( )=( )

 ( )?( )=( )

 ( )?( )=( )

 2. ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●

 ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●



 算式: = (人)

 口诀:( )







 15元 5元 3元 8元 56元

 (1)买6枝 要用多少元?(3分)

 (2)1个的钱数是1个的多少倍? (3分)





 1、(每题1分,共12分) 42 81 24 12 40 56 4 66 8 78 28 14

 2、(每题3分,共9分) 6 63 9 竖式略


 1、35 5?7=35 5乘7等于35 2、72?8=9 72 除数 9

 3、 3 3 4、 4 + 4 + 4 =12 4?3=12 3?4=12 5、 = < = > 6、 南 东 南 7、 北 8、 9 标注直角4个略 (5分) 9、 4 7 3 10、28 35 40 32

 三、(每题2分,共10分) ?

 四、(每题2分,共8分) C B C B


 1、(每题1分,共4分) 3?4=12 4?3=12 12?3=4 12?4=3

 2、(共2分)4 ? 6 + 3 = 27

 3、(共2分) 2?8=16 二八十六


 1、 64?8=8 (3分)

 2、18?3=6(棵) (3分)

 3、3?5+35=50(人) (3分)

 4、(1)6?5=30(元) (3分)

 (2)56?8=7 (3分)

 (3)60-9?3=33(元) (3分)

 (4)略。 (3分)



 1、1米=()厘米  200厘米=()米

 42米-18米=()米 25厘米+6厘米=()厘米

 2、 左图中有()条线段,有()个直角。

 3、2个6相加是( ), 2个6相乘是( )。


 (  )和()。


 ( )?( )+( )=( )


 4 ○9=36  36 ○  8=44

 30 ○ 8=22 5 ○  7>33


 ( )?8<57 40>6?( )


 1、线段是:( )

 ① ② ③

 2、与8?7+8得数相等的算式是:( )

 ①8?8 ②8?6+8 ③ 8?8-8

 3、计算结果与5个4不相等的算式是:( )

 ①5?4 ②4?5 ③ 5+4

 4、6+6+6+6+5可以改写成:( )

 ①6?4+5 ②6?6+5

 ③4+6+5 ④6?6-1


 1.一张课桌的高约70米。 ( )

 2.23+40>82-20 ( )

 3.一个角有一个顶点,两条边。 ( )

 4.两个9相乘的积是18。 ( )



 9?8= 5?5=80-6=  58+2=

 8+47=  72+9= 9?7=4?8=

 7?4= 17-8=17+5=6?5=

 43-30= 82-9=  12-3=5?9=








 △ △ △











 一、1、100 2 24 31

 2、6 4

 3、12 36

 4、6?8=48 8?6=48

 5、4?4+3=19 或4?5-1=19

 6、? +

 7、7 8

 二、1③ 2① 3③ 4①

 三、1(?) 2(?) 3(?) 4(?)

 四、1、72 25 74 60 55 81 63 32 28 9 22 30 13 73 9 45

 2、94 11 89 59

 五、 略


 2、 6?5=30 (只))








 1. 在括号里填上合适的单位。

 一根旗杆高6 ()  铅笔长18()

 课间休息10 () 坐飞机从武汉到北京只要2()



 3. 把下面的算式改写成乘法算式。

 (1) 7+7+7+7=()?()

 (2) 8?3-3=()?()

 (3) 6?5+6=()?()

 4. 比38多27的数是(),95比()多18。

 5. 用6、0、5可以组成()个不同的两位数,其中最大的是(),最小的是()。

 6. 一个长方形的一条边长是9厘米,与它相对的另一条边长是()厘米。

 7. ()里最大能填几?

 ()?6<32 9?()<56 58>7?()

 8. 在 里填上?+-或?><=?。

 4 2=6 9 2=7 8 3=24

 5?9 50 6?8 48 7?8 54

 9. 时针从3走到9走了()时,分针从12走到5走了()分钟。


 1. 在乘法算式里,积一定大于两个乘数。()

 2. 一副三角板有2个直角。()

 3. 100厘米长的绳子和1米长的彩带一样长。()

 4. 3个小朋友,每两个人打一次电话,一共要打6次电话。()

 5. 这个钟面上的时刻是10时15分。()


 1. 下面算式积最大的是()。

 ①8?9 ②6?5 ③9?9

 2. 一个三角尺上有()个锐角。

 ①1 ②2 ③3

 3. 一集电视剧大约45()。

 ①分钟 ②小时 ③不能确定

 4. 乐乐今年上二年级,他的身高大约是()。

 ①50厘米 ②5米 ③1米30厘米

 5. 有3个数5、8、10,任意选取其中2个求和,得数有()种可能。

 ①1 ②6 ③3


 1. 口算。(每题1分,共8分)

 4?7=  75-50=  3?8=  80-8=

 32+15= 6?9= 54+30= 63-56=

 2. 竖式计算。(每题2分,共12分)

 27+58=34+49=  73-67=

 100-(26+18)= 32+35+28= 90-27+35=


 1. = ()

 2. = ()



 1. 以下面的线为边,分别画一个锐角、钝角。

 2. 写出相应的时间,再画出钟面上的分针。


 1. 王阿姨在网上开了一个鞋店,今天销售情况如下:(6分)

 A品牌 B品牌 C品牌

 45双 比A品牌多16双 比B品牌少21双

 (1) B品牌鞋卖了多少双?

 (2) 再提一个数学问题并解答。

 2. 十周年店庆商店搞促销,满80元减10元。妈妈买一个书包和一把雨伞要花多少钱?(5分)

 47元 35元

 3. 爱科学博物馆最近运回了100个机器人模型,送给星星小学26个,博爱小学37个。博物馆的机器人模型少了多少个?实验小学需要36个,剩下的够吗?(5分)

 4. (1) 买9个皮球需要多少钱?(4分)

 8元3元 25元

 (2) 小红买了6个羽毛球和1副乒乓球拍,付给售货员50元。小红付的钱够吗?(4分)


 一、1. 米 厘米 分钟 小时

 2. 5 2

 3. (1)7 4 (2)7 3 (3)6 6

 4. 65 77

 5. 4 65 50

 6. 9

 7. 5 6 8

 8. + - ? < = >

 9. 6 25

 二、1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5. ?

 三、1. ③ 2. ② 3. ① 4. ③ 5. ③

 四、1. 28 25 24 72 47 54 84 7

 2. 85 83 6 56 95 98

 五、1. 3?4+3=15(个)或4?4-1=15(个)

 2. 6?8=48(米)


 七、1. 略 2. 略

 八、1. (1) 45+16=61(双)  (2) 略

 2. 47+35=82 (元) 82-10=72 (元)

 3. 26+37=63 (个) 63+36=99 (个) 99<100 剩下的够

 4. (1) 8?9=72(元)



 第一部分: 听力部分30分

 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


 Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。5分

 1. A. It’s Tom. B. It’s Mike’s. C. It’s new.

 2. A. She has long hair. B. She is my friend. C. She likes English.

 3. A. Are you kidding? B. All right. C. Thank you.

 4. A. No problem. B. Good idea! C. I’d like some clothes.

 5. A. They’re 200 yuan. B. They’re very nice. C. They’re white.

 Ⅱ. 听对话,选择与其内容相符的。对话读一遍。5分

 6. A. B. C.

 7. A. B. C.

 8. A. B. C.

 9. A. B. C.

 10. A. B. C.

 Ⅲ. 听长对话,选择正确答案。 对话读两遍。5分

 11. Who’s Li Ying?

 A. Mary’s friend. B. Li Gang’s friend. C. Li Gang’s sister.

 12. How old is Li Ying?

 A. She is 8. B. She is 10. C. She is 13.

 13. What is Mary’s favorite color?

 A. Red. B. Pink. C. Blue.

 14. What does Ann look like?

 A. She is short. B. She has short brown hair. C. She has long black hair.

 15. What does Ann do?

 A. She is a nurse. B. She is a student. C. She is an office worker.

 Ⅳ. 听短文,判断正T误F。短文读两遍。5分

 16. Lucy es from Canada.

 17. Lucy’s mother teaches Chinese in No. 1 School.

 18. Lucy’s father works in a hospital.

 19. Lucy’s favorite food is jiaozi.

 20. Lucy has a pet dog at home.

 Ⅴ. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。10分教师须知:本题录音可以再给学生播放两遍。

 Morning Afternoon

 Get up 21 Have lunch 12:10

 Have breakfast 8:00 24 3:15

 22 9:00 Go home 25

 Help mother cook 23

 21.________ 22.________ 23.________ 24.________ 25.________

 第二部分:笔试部分 120分

 题号x k b 1 . c o m 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45


 题号 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65


 题号 66 67 68 69 70



 26. —Who is man in the picture?

 —He is old friend of mine.

 A. a; an B. the; a C. the; an D. a; an

 27. 单词hospital 由 个音节构成,它的重音符号在第 个音节上。

 A. 2; 2 B. 3; 2 C. 3; 1 D. 2; 1

 28. —Does Helen _______ wide mouth?

 —No, she doesn’t. She _____ a *** all mouth.

 A. has; has B. have; has C. has; have D. have; have

 29. — What do you do?

 — _______

 A. I’m fine, thanks. B. I’m a student. C. I read books. D. I’m Zhao Ming.

 30. — ____ do you ____ this jacket?

 — It’s too *** all.

 A. How; think of B. What; like C. What; think of D. How; think

 31. —_______.

 —She is tall .

 A. How is he? B. What does he like?

 C. What i s he? D. What does he look like?

 32. —Would you like to see the movie with me?

 —Yes, ____.

 A. I’d love B. I would C. I like D. I’d love to

 33. How about _____ this Sunday?

 A. go fishing B. go to fish C. going fishing D. to go fishing

 34. —The pair of shoes look nice. Can I _____?

 — Sure.

 A. try it on B. try them on C. try on it D. try them

 35. She doesn’t have ____ cakes. She has some fish.

 A. some B. much C. any D. little

 36. My hair is black and are brown.

 A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

 37. Thank you ____ your help. It’s very kind ____ you.

 A. for; to B. to; of C. for; of D. of; for

 38. — Hello! May I _____ to Maria?

 — Sorry, she isn’t in now.

 A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell

 39. —How many apples do you need?

 —_____, please.

 A. Two kilos of apples B. Two kilos of apple

 C. Two kilo of apples D. Two kilo of apple

 40. —Let’s meet at the school gate.


 A. Good idea! B. Sure. C. That’s bad. D. See you.


 This Sunday, my family are free.

 I have no 41 . I would like to go out for a 42 with my family on a farm. We are very 43 . In the morning, we do some 44 in the shop. My parents buy some chicken and some 45 to drink. I buy some hamburgers and four bags 46 milk. Hamburgers are my favorite 47 . I would like to 48 a kite, so I tak e one with me. My father would like to listen to music 听音乐, 49 he takes an MP3. My mother will cook some nice food for 50 .

 I think the piic will be nice.

 41. A. classes B. problem C. time D. letter

 42. A. dinner B. zoo C. piic D. walk

 43. A. kind B. happy C. sorry D. different

 44. A. work B. homework C. cook D. shopping

 45. A. juice B. rice C. bananas D. oranges

 46. A. on B. of C. for D. with

 47. A. book B. color C. toy D. food

 48. A. play B. make C. fly D. save

 49. A. and B. so C. but D. then

 50. A. us B. our C. we D. them



 My English teacher is Li Mei. She is from Beijing. Her English name is Alice. She is 30 years old. She likes white. Look! Her coat and pants are white.

 My math teacher, Zhang Lan, is form Tianjin. She is 34 years old. She doesn’t like yellow. She likes blue. Her cothes are blue.

 My Chinese teacher is Zhao Peng. He is from Shanghai. He is 28 years old. His mom buys a pink T-shirt for him. His favorite color is pink, so he likes it very much.


 51. Zhang Lan’s English name is Alice.

 52. Mr. Zhao is 28 years old

 53. Pink is my Chinese teacher’s favorite color.

 54. Miss Li is 34 years old.

 55. Miss Zhang’s favorite color is yellow.


 Judie is a good student. She usually gets up at half past six in the morning. She does morning exercises 锻炼 for half an hour. Then she reads English from 7:00 a. m. to 7:30 a. m. She has breakfast at home. She goes to school at 7:45 a. m. She has four classes in the morning. She usually has lunch at school, but on Sundays she has lunch at home with her family. She has three classes in the afternoon. She goes home at 5:00 p.m. She usually helps her mom cook dinner and has dinner at about 6:00 p.m. Then she does her homework from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. She doesn’t like watching TV 看电视 in the evening.

 56. What time does Judie usual ly get up?

 A. At 6:00 a. m. B. At 6:30 a. m. C. At 7:00 a. m. D. At 7:15 a. m.

 57. What does Judie usually do at 6:45 a. m.?

 A. Reads English. B. Has breakfast.

 C. Does morning exercises. D. Goes to school.

 58. How many classes does Judie have a day?

 A. Four classes. B. Six classes. C. Seven classes. D. Eight classes.

 59. Where does Judie usually have lunch?

 A. At home. B. At school. C. At a restaurant. D. In the office.

 60. What does Judie do in the evening?

 A. Reads English. B. Does her homework.

 C. Watches TV. D. Cooks dinner.


 Wang Lin is a student of Grade 7. One Sunday, Wang Lin wants to go to the zoo to see animals. He likes animals very muh. His favorite animals are elephants and monkeys. He thinks elephants are kind and monkeys look cute. But he doesn’t like tigers and lions. On the way to the zoo, he sees a little boy. The boy is crying. Wang Lin asks, “what’s up, little boy?” “I can’t find mty home.” So Wang Lin helps him to find his home. “Thank you for your help. It’s very kind of you.” The boy’s parents say to Wang Lin.

 Now it’s six o’clock. It’s time for dinner. Wang Lin has to go home. He can’t go to the zoo, but he is very happy.

 61. What does Wang Lin do

 A. He is a student B. He wants to go to the zoo

 C. He likes animals very much D. He helps the little boy to find his home

 62. Where does Wang Lin want to go one Sunday?

 A. His friend’s home B. the little boy’s home

 C. the zoo D. his school

 63 . What animals does Wang Lin like?

 A. Elephants and tigers B. Monkeys and lions

 C. Elephants and monkeys D. Tigers and lions

 64. Why is the boy crying?

 A. He can’t find his shcool B. He can’t go to the zoo

 C.Wang Lin can’t help him D. He can’t find find his way home.

 65. What do you think of Wang Lin?

 A. He is very clever

 B. He is very young

 C. He is very kind and helpful..

 D. He likes his parents.


 Mary is an English girl. She is six years old. She is in France法国 now. her mother says to her, “You are six years old, and you will go to school. It is a goood school and you will like it.”

 “Is it an English school?”

 “Yes, it is,” says her mother.

 Mary goes to school, the teacher speaks good English.and there are two other English girls in the class, too. Mary likes the school.

 Today, Mary goes back home from school. She says to her mother, “we have a new girl in our class. She is six years old,too. She is very nice, but she isn’t English. She is German德国人”.

 “Does she speak English?” asks Mary’s mother.

 “No, but she laughs笑 in English,” says Mary.

 66. 划线单词“it”指代的是“ ”

 A. France B. English C. the school D. the class

 67. There are English girls in Mary’s class.

 A. five B. four C. three D. two

 68. Mary goes to school in .

 A. England B. Germany德国 C. France D. we don’t know

 69. The new girl in Mary’s class es from .

 A.France B. Germany C. England D. The U.S

 70. Which of the following sentence is ture?下面的句子哪句正确

 A.Mary and the new girl are in the same school.

 B. Mary speaks English

 C.The new German girl is very nice.

 D. The new German girl speaks English .


 A 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。5分

 71. Ten and ten is t .

 72. Please help me carry some w ['w?t?]

 73. —could you help me with my English, Jane?

 —No .

 74. —What about some chicken?

 —That’s a good I .

 75. —How do you say 7:45 in English?

 —It’s a q to 8.


 76. Grace is from England and she speaks English very good.

 77. My uncle is a bus drive. He works on the bus.

 78. I have a pet dog at home. it name is Lucky.

 79. Please help _________ you to some apples, Kate.

 80. Kangkang _________ __not like English.

 C 根据汉语提示填空。5分

 81. On Sundays, we often go to Beijing _______动物园to see Monkey Show.

 82. They’re from America and they often help________我们with English.

 83. My father buys me a new bike for five_________ 百 yuan.

 84. Look! The ________大象 is so big and strong.

 85. I want to visit my grandparents_______ 明天 morning.



 A: Who is your good friendd?

 B: 86

 A: Does she 87 a big nose

 B: No, she 88 .

 A:Is her hair short?

 B: No, it’s 89 . and she has a round face.

 A: Is she in your 90 ?

 B: Yes, we are in the same class.

 A: Oh, I know. It’s HanMei.

 86. ________87. ________88. ________89. ________90. ________

 B从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。 5分

 A. That’s OK

 B. I’ll tell her about it

 C. This is Linda speaking.

 D. What can I do for you?

 E. It’s very kind of you

 F. who are you?

 G. May I speak to Sally?

 A: Hello! 91

 B: Sorry, she isn’t at home now. Who’s that

 A: 92

 B: Hi, Linda. I can take a message口信 for you.

 A: 93 We’ll go for a piic after school. Please tell her to wait等 at the school gate大门. We’ll be there at five in the afternoon.

 B: All right. 94

 A: Thank you very much.

 B: 95 Goodbye.

 A: Bye

 91.______ 92._______ 93._______ 94.______ 95._______


 Tom lives in a village. Today, he es to a big city. He has lunch in a restaurant. He looks round and sees some people put on glasses眼镜 before reading. So after lunch he goes to shop to buy glasses.

 The man in the shop lets Tom try on many glasses. But Tom always says, “No, I can’t read with these”

 Then the man asks, “Can you read”

 “No, I can’t! ” says Tom. “If I can read, I don’t need to buy glasses!”



 96. Tom sees some people in the restaurant.

 A. talk B. work C. eat cakes D. read with glasses

 97. Tom goes to a shop to .

 A. buy some food B. see a friend C. buy a book D. buy glasses

 98. 根据本文内容划线词语“put on”的中文意思是 。

 A. 举起 B. 戴 C. 试穿 D. 放下



 99. Tom lives in a big city.

 100.Tom can’t read.

 96 97 98 99 100



 提示:Mary, 女,15岁,英国人。现在住在上海,在上海二中读书,英文讲得很好,常常帮助我们学习英语,我们帮她学习汉语。她最喜欢的食物是牛肉,也喜欢喝牛奶,她非常喜欢中国食物。我们经常在周日和她一起出去野餐和放风筝。




 Ⅰ. 1-5  BACCA

 Ⅱ.6-10 CABCB

 Ⅲ.11-15 CABBB

 Ⅳ.16-20 TFTTF

 Ⅴ. 21.7:30 22. Read English 23.10:45 24.Go shopping 25. 5:20



 Ⅱ. 41-50: ACBDA BDCBA

 Ⅲ. 51-55: FTTFF


 61-65: ACCDC

 65-70: ACCBD

 Ⅳ. 71-75. twenty water problem idea quarter

 B 76-80: well driver Its yourself doesn’ like

 81-85:Zoo us hundred elephant tomorrow

 V: 86-90: Guess have doesn’t long class

 91-95: GCABE

 VI:96-100: DDBFT


